Bairaktorova, D., Graziano, W, Cox, M.F. (In review). “Mechanical Objects and the Engineering Learner: An Experimental Study of How the Presence of Objects Affects Students’ Performance on Engineering Related Tasks.” Journal of Engineering Education.
Zhu, J., & Cox, M.F. (In review) Content Validation of an Instrument for Chinese Students’ Epistemological Development: Application of Perry’s Theory. Asia Pacific Education Review.
Berdanier, C.P., Cox, M.F., & Zephirin, T., (In review). Graduate Student Perceptions in Sustainable Electronics in India through Photoelicitation. Advances in Engineering Education.
Ahn, B., Cox, M.F., Zephirin, T., Haller, Y, Groll, E., Taylor, K., Davenport Sypher, B., & Adams, S. (In press). “Development of Professional Workshop to Cultivate Professional Skills among Engineering Managers: Lessons Learned from a Professional Development Workshop.” International Journal of Engineering Education.
Bairaktarova, D., Cox, M.F., & Srivastava, M. (In press). “A Project-Based Approach to Professional Skills Training in an Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum.” International Journal of Engineering Education.
Ahn, B., Cox, M.F., London, J., Zhu, J. & Cekic, O. (2014). Creation of an Instrument to Measure Leadership, Change, and Synthesis Attributes of Engineering Undergraduates. Journal of Engineering Education.
Besterfield, M.B., Cox, M.F., Borrego, M.J., Beddoes, K., & Zhu, J. (2014). “Survey Results of U.S. Faculty, Department Heads’ and Deans’ Views on Changing Engineering Education.” Journal of Engineering Education.
London, J., Cox, M.F., Ahn, B., Branch S., Torres-Ayala, A., Zephirin, T., & Zhu, J. (2014). Motivations for Pursuing an Engineering Ph.D. and Perceptions of its Added Value. International Journal of Doctoral Studies.
Zhu, J., & Cox, M.F. (2014). Applying Self-Authorship Theory among Chinese Engineering Doctoral Students in U.S. Institutions. 2014 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Ahn, B., Cox, M.F., & Osagiede, A. (2014). Lessons Learned: Teaching Engineering Leadership in an Undergraduate Class Using Case Studies. 2014 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Berdanier, C., Branch, S., & Cox, M.F. (2014). Survey Analysis of Engineering Graduate Students’ Perceptions of the Skills Necessary for Career Success in Industry and Academia. 2014 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, Indiana.
McClurkin, J.D., Fitzpatrick, V., Cox, M.F., & Berdanier, C. (2014). Development of Industry Modules for Engineers Pursuing Advanced Degrees. 2014 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Zhu, J., & Cox, M.F. (2014). Content Validation of a Survey for Chinese Students’ Epistemological Development: Measurement in the Context of Perry’s Theory. 2014 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Cox, I., & Cox, M.F. (2014). Competing with “Real Classes”: The Value of Performing Ensemble Experiences for Non-Music Majors. 2014 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Zephirin, T., Black, S., Cox, M.F. (2014). Snapshot of an Interdisciplinary Graduate Engineering Education. 2014 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Berry, C.A., & Cox, M.F. 2014). Women of Color Engineering Faculty: An Examination of the Experiences and the Numbers. 2014 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Cox, M.F., Maeda, Y., Sambamurthy, N., & Alexander, V. (2014). Preliminary Analyses of Survey and Student Outcome Data Using the Global Real-time Tool for Teaching Enhancement (G-RATE). 2014 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Cox, M.F., Brunson, P.C., Sambamurthy, N., Branch, S., & Berdanier, C.P. (2014). Transformation of Faculty Dissemination Practices via Social Media. 2014 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Cox, M.F., Mendoza-Diaz, N., & Adams, S.G. (2013). Elementary Educators’ Perceptions of Design, Engineering, and Technology: An Analysis by Ethnicity. Journal of STEM Education.
Zhu, J., Li, Y., Cox, M.F., London, J., Hahn, J., and Ahn, B. (2013). “Validation of a Survey for Graduate Teaching Assistants: Translating Theory to Practice.” Journal of Engineering Education, 102, 3, 426-443.
Cox, M.F., Zhu, J., Zephirin, T., Sambamurthy, N., Ahn, B., London, J., Cekic, O., & Torres, A. (2013). Curriculum Vitae Analyses of Engineering Ph.D.s Working in Academy and Industry. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29, 5, 1205-1221.
Sambamurthy, N., London, J.S., Hahn, J., Zhu, J., & Cox, M.F. (2013). Reliability of the Global Real-time Assessment Tool for Teaching Enhancement (G-RATE). 2013 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, Georgia.
Cox, I., & Cox, M.F. (2013) Integrating STEM and the Arts: A Call for Partnerships across Disciplines. 2013 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, Georgia.
Bairaktarova, D., Pilotte, M.K., Evangelou, D., & Cox, M.F. (2013). Examining Reflections of Current Engineering Students on Educational Outreach. 2013 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, Georgia.
Bairaktorova, D., Cox, M.F., DePalma, G., & Eftekhari, P. (2013). Engineering Students’ Perspectives on Mentoring and Leadership. 2013 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, Georgia.
Osagiede, O., Cox, M.F., & Ahn, B. (2013). Purdue University’s Engineering Leadership Program: Addressing the Shortfall of Engineering Leadership Education. 2013 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, Georgia.
Ahn, B., Cox, M.F., Diefes-Dux, H.A., & Capobianco, B.M. (2013). Examining the Skills and Methods of Graduate Student Mentors in an Undergraduate Research Setting. 2013 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, Georgia.
Ahn, B., Cox, M.F., Zhu, J., & London, J.S. (2013). Investigating the Attributes and Expectations of Engineering Ph.D.s Working in Industry. 2013 Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.
Ahn, B., Zhu, J., Cox, M.F., London, J.S., & Branch, S. (2013). Recommendations for Engineering Doctoral Education: Design of an Instrument to Evaluate Change. 2013 Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.
Sambamurthy, N., & Cox, M.F. (2013). A Review of the Literature: Understanding Best Practices of Blended Learning in Industry and Academia. 2013 Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (ELEARN). Las Vega, Nevada.
Bairaktorova, D., Cox, M.F., & Evangelou, D. (2012). Leadership Training in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education in Bulgaria. European Journal of Engineering Education, 36 (6), 585-594.
Bernstein, W.Z., Ramanujam, D., Zhao, F., Ramani, K., & Cox, M.F. (2012). Teaching Design for Environment through Critique within a Project Based Product Design Course. International Journal of Engineering Education, 28, 4, 1-12.
Cox, M.F., Ahn, B., Cekic, O., & Zhu, J. (2012). Engineering Professionals’ Expectations of Undergraduate Engineering Students. Leadership and Management, 12, 2, 60-70.
Mendoza-Diaz, N. & Cox, M.F. (2012). An Overview of the Literature: Research in P-12 Engineering Education. Advances in Engineering Education, 3, 2, 37 pages.
Zhu, J., Cox, M.F., & Lynch, C. (2012). Mentoring of Underrepresented Minority Scholars in the Reinvigorating Engineering and Changing History (REACH) Program and the AGEP Program: Development of Interactive Learning Modules. 2012 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Lynch, C., Zhu, J., & Cox, M.F. (2012). Facilitating Graduate Students’ Professional Development: Implementation and Evaluation of Learning Activities. 2012 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Lynch, C., Zhu, J., & Cox, M. F. (2012). Exploring the Diversity in Faculty Careers: Formative and Summative Assessment in a Preparing Future Faculty Course. 2012 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Zephirin, T., Roberts, T., Mayy, M., Cox, M.F., & Black, S. (2012). The Development of an Outreach Activity Introducing Middle and High School Students to Nanotechnology and Carbon Nanotubes. 2012 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Zhu, J., & Cox, M.F. (2012). Epistemological Development of Chinese Engineering Doctoral Students in the U.S. Institutions: A Comparison of Multiple Measurement Methods. 2012 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Cox, M.F., Zhu, J., Ahn, B., Torres-Ayala, A., & Ramane, K. (2012). Recommendations for Promoting Desirable Characteristics in Engineering Ph.D.s: Perspectives from Industry and Academia. 2012 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Cox, M.F., London, J.S., Ahn, B., Townsend, P., McGhee, C. (2012). LSAMP Indiana: Lessons Learned from a Diversity Program Serving Underrepresented Minority Students. 2012 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Mendoza-Garcia, J.*, Ngambeki, I., Behbehani, L., Evangelou, D., Rao, S., & Cox, M.F. (2012) Defining the knowledge and skills that enable engineers to participate in public policy. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings, San Antonio TX, June 10-13.
Mondisa, J., & Cox, M.F. (2012). The Meyerhoff Scholars Program and STEM Policy: How a Mentoring Intervention Program Relates to STEM Policy. 2012 Mentoring Institute Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
David, T., Zephirin, T., Mayy, M., Matos, T., Cox, M.F., & Black, S. (2012) Carbon Nanotubes in Our Everyday Lives. Education Module for MatEd National Resource Center.
Berkelaar, B. L., Pope, K., Sypher, B. D., & Cox, M. F. (2012). Inclusive leadership: Helping women negotiate the labyrinth of leadership in higher education. In J. L. Martin (Ed.), Women as leaders in education: Succeeding despite inequity, discrimination, and other challenges. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
Cox, M.F., Zhu, J., London, J.S., Hahn, J., & Ahn, B. (2012). Feedback about Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Pedagogical Practices: Content Validation of a Survey Informed from Principles of the “How People Learn” Framework. In Greta Gorsuch (Ed.), Working Theories for Teaching Assistant and International Teaching Assistant Development. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.
Cox, M.F., Zhu, J., Lynch, C., & Adams, S.G. (2012). Aligning the Ph.D. and Mentoring Experiences of U.S. Underrepresented Minority Students in Engineering. In S.D. Myers & C. W. Anderson (Eds.), Dimensions in mentoring: A continuum of practice from beginning teachers to teacher leaders. Sense Publishers. p. 191-204.
Cox, M.F., Hahn, J., McNeill, N., Cekic, O., Zhu, J., & London, J. (2011). Enhancing the Quality of Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistants through Multidimensional Feedback, Advances in Engineering Education, 2, 3, 20 pages.
Cox, M.F., Cawthorne, J., McNeill, N., Cekic, O., Frye, M., & Stacer, M. (2011). Assessing the Pedagogical Impact of the VaNTH Engineering Research Center on Faculty and Postdoctoral Professionals. The International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5, 2, 19 pages.
Cox, M.F., Adams, S.G., Zhu, J. (2011). Professional Development for 21st Century Graduate Students. Proceedings for the 2011 Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference.
Bernstein, W., Ramanujan, D., Cox, M.F., Zhao, F., Sutherland, J., & Ramani, K. (2011). Implementing Design Critique for Teaching Sustainable Concept Generation. Proceedings for the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design.
McNeill, N., & Cox, M.F. (2011). Global Engineering Programs: Identifying and Supporting a Diverse Array of Learning Outcomes, 2011 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (19 pages).
Cox, M.F., London, J.S., Ahn, B., Zhu, J., Torres-Ayala, A.T., Frazier, S., & Cekic, O. (2011) Attributes of Success for Engineering Ph.D.s: Perspectives from Academia and Industry, 2011 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (10 pages).
Lynch, C., Zhu, J., & Cox, M.F. (2011). Smoothing the Transition: Design, Implementation and Assessment of a “Preparing Future Professional” Course for Graduate Students, 2011 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (6 pages).
Zhu, J., Cox, M.F., Evangelou, D., Lynch, C., Fentiman, A.W., & Dunston, P. (2011). Experiences of Scholars in the Reinvigorating Engineering and Changing History Program: A Case Study of the First Graduate Student Cohort, 2011 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (8 pages).
Cox, M.F., Zhu, J., Ahn, B., London, J.S., Frazier, S., Torres-Ayala, A.T., Chavela, R. (2011). Choices for Ph.D.s in Engineering: Analyses of Career Paths in Academia and Industry. 2011 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (10 pages).
Cox, M.F., Adams, S.G., & St. Omer, I. (2011). Comprehensive Educational Experiences for the 21st Century Ph.D. Book chapter in Higher Education and Human Capital: Rethinking the Doctorate in America. Callejo Pérez, D., Fains, S.M., & Slater, J.J. (Eds.) Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers B.V.
Cox, M.F., Cekic, O., & Adams, S.G., (2010). Developing Leadership Skills of Undergraduate Engineering Students: Perspectives from Engineering Faculty. The Journal of STEM Education. 11, ¾, 22-33.
Cox, M.F., & Harris, A.H. (2010). “Comparison of Pretenured and Tenured Engineering Professors’ Pedagogical Practices within Undergraduate Bioengineering Courses.” International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 4, 1, 11 pages.
Cox, M.F., Zhu, J., Cekic, O., Chavela, R., & London, J. (2010). “Knowledge or Feelings: First Year Students’ Perceptions of Graduate Teaching Assistants in Engineering.” Journal of Faculty Development, 24, 1, 27-34.
Cox, M.F., Lynch, C., Zhu, J., Dunston, P., Fentiman, A., Shaw, P., & Evangelou, D. (2010). Development of the Reinvigorating Engineering and Changing History (REACH) Program: A Cohort Experience for First-Time Graduate Students. 2010 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (8 pages).
Cox, M.F., Andriot, A., & Beaudoin, S. (2010). Factors Influencing Student Success in a Summer Research Program: Formal versus Informal Relational Structures. 2010 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (6 pages).
Cox, M.F., Cekic, O., Branch, S., Chavela, R., Cawthorne, J., & Ahn, B. (2010). Ph.D.s in Engineering: Getting Them through the Door and Seeing Them Graduate- Faculty and Industry Perspectives. 2010 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (7 pages).
Cox, M.F., Hahn, J., McNeill, N., & Kulkarni, A. (2010). Developing a Global Real-time Assessment Tool for the Teaching Enhancement of Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistants. 2010 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (7 pages).
Cady, E., Fortenberry, N., Sypher, B.D., Abel, S.R., Cox, M.F., Reed-Rhoads, T., & Berkelaar, B. (2010). Engineering Faculty as Academic Change Leaders, 2010 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (7 pages).
Cekic, O., Cox, M.F., & Zhu, J. (2010). Industry Participation in the Development of Engineers as Leaders in Work Environments, 2010 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (10 pages).
Chavela, R., & Cox, M.F. (2010). Developing a Spanish-Speaking Community of Engineering Education Research Scholars, 2010 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (6 pages).
Cox, M.F., Berry, C., & Smith, K.A. (2009). “Development of a Leadership, Policy, and Change Course for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Graduate Students.” Journal of STEM Education. 10, ¾, 9-16.
Cox, M.F., & Andriot, A. (2009). “Mentor and Undergraduate Student Comparisons of Students’ Research Skills.” Journal of STEM Education, 10, ½, 31-38.
Cox, M.F. (2009). “Operationalization of Innovative and Traditional Pedagogical Practices within Undergraduate Bioengineering Courses.” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 3, 1, 11 pages.
Smith, K., Douglas, T.C., & Cox, M.F. (2009). Supportive Teaching and Learning Strategies in STEM Education. Book chapter in New Directions in Teaching and Learning: Creating Culture/Climate that Supports Undergraduate Teaching and Learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, 117, 19-32.
Cawthorne, J., Cekic, O., Cox, M.F., & Stacer, M. (2009). Assessment of the VaNTH Engineering Research Center on Graduate Students. 2009 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (9 pages).
Jones, J., Meckl, P., Harris, M. Cox, M.F., Cekic, O., et al., (2009). Purdue’s Engineer of 2020: The Journey. 2009 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (7 pages).
McNeill, N., Hirleman, E., Jesiek, B., & Cox, M.F. (2009). Using an Engineering Virtual Organization to Support Global Service Learning: Case Study of a US-Rwanda Irrigation Project, 2009 8th Proceedings of the Global Colloquium on Engineering Education (10 pages).
Cady, E., Fortenberry, N., Sypher, B., Haghighi, K., Abel, S.R., Cox, M.F., Reed-Rhoads, T., & Berkelaar, B. (2009). Work in Progress: Developing a Certificate Program for Engineering Faculty as Leaders of Academic Change, 2009 Frontiers in Education (2 pages).
Cox, M.F., & Cordray, D.S. (2008). “Assessing Pedagogy in Engineering Classrooms: Quantifying Elements of the ‘How People Learn’ Model Using the VaNTH Observation System (VOS).” Journal of Engineering Education, 97, 4, 413-431.
Chavela, R., Cox, M.F., & Diefes-Dux, H. (2008). Development of a Pedagogically-Focused Course for Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistants. 2008 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (7 pages).
Mendoza-Diaz, N., & Cox, M.F. (2008). Overview of Engineering Education Assessment at Preschool-12th Grade Levels. 2008 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (9 pages).
McNeill, N., Cox, M.F., Diefes-Dux, H., Medley, T., & Hayes, J. (2008). Development of an Instrument to Collect Pedagogical Data from Graduate Teaching Assistants within Engineering Laboratories. 2008 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (7 pages).
2007 and Earlier
Duncan, D., Oware, E., Cox, M.F., & Diefes-Dux, H. (2007). Program and Curriculum Assessment for the Institute for P-12 Engineering Research and Learning (INSPIRE) Summer Academies for P-6 Teachers. 2007 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (18 pages). (Nominated for Best Paper)
Brown, C.M., Cox, M.F., Kohli, N., & Meyer, D. (2006). Integrating Feedback Technology into the Electrical and Computer Engineering Classroom. 2006 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (4 pages).
Cox, M.F., Diefes-Dux, H., & Lee, J. (2006). Development and Assessment of an Undergraduate Curriculum for First-Year International Engineering Students. 2006 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings (4 pages).
Cox, M.F., & Harris, A.H. (2006). VaNTH Observation System Component Assessment. 2006 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (7 pages).
Diefes-Dux, H., Adams, R., Cox, M.F., & Follman, D. (2006). Community Building and Identity Development through Graduate Coursework in Engineering Education. 2006 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (17 pages).
Manning, A., Cox, M.F., & Booth-Gleghorn, V. (2006). Development of an Academic Program That Increases Multi-Ethnic Student Retention in Engineering. 2006 Proceedings of the American Society For Engineering Education (5 pages).
Dalrymple, O., & Cox, M.F. (2006). Work in Progress: Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Perceptions of Engineering Education as an Academic Discipline, 2006 Frontiers in Education Conference (2 pages).
Harris, A., Brown, C., Le, D., Chen, E., King, J., Cox, M.F., Goel, N., & Vijaykumar, R. (2005). Establishing Effective Student-Led Outreach within Multi-University, Multi-Disciplinary Environments. 2005 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (6 pages).
Harris, A., & Cox, M.F. (2005). An Examination of Changes in Bioengineering Faculty Pedagogy within “How People Learn” Environments. 2005 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (5 pages).
Cox, M.F., & Harris, A.H. (2004). A Comparison of Bioengineering Faculty Members’ Teaching Patterns at One Research University. 2004 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, p. 2057-2061.
Cox, M.F. (2003). Engineering Education. In Guthrie, J. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Education (2nd Edition). New York: Macmillan.
Harris, A.H., & Cox, M.F. (2003). Developing an Observation System to Capture Instructional Differences in Engineering Classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education, 92, 4, 329-336.
Cox, M.F., & Harris, A.H. (2003). The Significance and Limitations of the VaNTH Observation System within Engineering Classrooms. 2003 Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (CD-ROM DEStech Publications), p. 8789-8792.
Ray, P.S., Frey, A., and (Farmer) Cox, M.C. (1999). Validation of the Behavioral Safety Index. The Journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers, 43, 10, 25-28.